Thursday 10 March 2016


This is my last post and I think you all will feel bored if read too much same thing, so as conclusion for my blog is actually Iban have a lot of beautiful and unics traditional clothing that we don't know. The clothing also have a lots of name and design. Some of you maybe want to try the clothing, so for those who want to try wear the beautiful clothing, you guys need to take a trip to the Ibans village and feel yourself the experience at there. Hope all of you like my blog. Assalamualaikum and enjoy the dance of ngajat with the beautiful of traditional clothing.


Labung is a headgears of Iban males. it normally a combination of two colour which is red and white. Labung has four design which is Labung belanjan, Labung Tenun, Labung Engkan and Labung Batik. labung bejan is decorate with a long tail feathers. the color of feathers is black and white. labung tenun is woven headgear. labung engkan was use a polka dot pattern textile and labung batik is using a batik design or patterns.

Ketapu is Iban hat. ketapu also has a few design such as ketapu rutan, ketapu tunjang, ketapu silong, ketapu sutar and ketapu pirak. ketapu rutan is a helmet type of hat or more to a skull cap made of coarsely plaited rattan covered with fish scales which is tisik empurau and tisik tenggiling. ketapu tunjang is made of a hand woven ratttan or bamboo sliced it with several point tops which plumes of feathers. ketapu silong is use at Batang Rajang areas. it is decorated with long hornbill feathers while ketapu sutar and ketapu pirak is made of silver headgear were decorated with floral pattern.


Kain kebat is a skirt that female ibans wearing. it is a cloth patterned by the ikat(tie) technique. Kain Kebat is decorated with colourful stripes pattern design and made of cotton as well. the design tat they always use is pua. Sometime they called it as kain pua. Kain Kebat is narrow and its length is only about until knee. The textile is wrapped around the worn together with other silver ornaments such as coin belt and bangles.

figure 11 the woman wear the kain kebat

Selampai is a beads that iban woman will use together with other traditional accessories. it will wear at abdoment or woman chest by creativity of the wearer. Selampai had long until 1 metres and need 3 months to complete it. Nowadays, from be a tradition clothing, selampai also will make as a wall decorations that famous with it tribal art that show the features authentics Iban community.

figure12 selampai that they made for wall decorations

figure 13 the woman wear selampai at her chest

figure14 example of selampai


Marik Empang is a composite decorative flat beads and threads hand-stiched cotton decorative outer garment that wear on female chest. In Iban marik means beads, while empang means round or other mean is people holding hands to form a circle. The colour that they use and the different of design can differentiate iban ethnics with other ethnics. Iban woman will wear it on any occasion or festival. As example, they must wear the marik empang while dance ngajat because it was one of the ancient custom that must be followed.

figure 10 picture of marik empang and kain kebat


A lot of silver jewelry  and beads are use to complete a female traditional clothing that show a status and wealth of who wear it. On the head, sugu tinggi or tail combs are use to give n unic and attractive sheen  while dance ngajat and also during show welcome a tourist and peagant. Before this sagu tinggi had made up from a silver, however nowadays it is only made by aluminium that plated with silver colour.  A design of flora at sugu tinggi is called as ensuga tisir and a comb at the bottom of sugu tinggi is called as sugu pupung for protect sugu tinggi fall from the head if the wearer.

Figure 8 sugu tinggi

figure 9 the wearer wear a sugu tinggi


Let’s proceed with female iban traditional clothing. Marik empang is a combination of beads and hand-stitched cotton decorative outer garment. It is usually red in colour. Iban women require wearing marik empang at any occasion or festival. The ngajat dance or the traditional Iban dance performed by an Iban woman must wear the “marik empang” as part of the outer garment adorning her shoulder. This marik empang also iban women wear in their wedding.  Kain kebat, which is a cloth patterned by the ikat (tie) technique. This kain kebat is narrow and its length is only about until knee. It is equipped with other jewelry. This outfit cannot be wear carelessly because every outfit has a different meaning. If wear a light colour its mean she is single and can married. 


  Gagong is an Iban warrior costume which is made up from animal skin. Gagong can not be wear carelessly because it is only wear by a brave, strong, famous and for a war. In the days of forefathers, opponent fear to fight if iban use gagong in war. They more use bear skin which so difficult to see  because it show how strong and vicious the animal. However baju burung also is a one of male iban traditional cloth but the different is baju burung is only use for common celebration such as for welcome guest and for dance ngajat. Baju burung usually patterned damask and it woven use ‘sungkit’ ways. Gold thread are use to woven thbaju burung.

figure 6 Gagong 

figure 7 baju burung


Pantang is a tattoo that Ibans community make for many reason especially to show rites of passage. As iban believes, they performed with a new tattoo near the wrist to conceal the person from the evil spirit. Iban tattooing was also served as vital elements of beauty for woman. The tattoo is features of nature denoted spiritual assistance, protection, prestige and tribal identity among other things. There has a specific design of tattoo to particular parts of body, such as a images of jar is on the neck, binjal flower on  a forepart of shoulder, scorpion  on hand and others part such as backs, legs and throats.

figure 3 pantang on male iban body

figure 4 design of pantang 'bingai terung'

Pantang is made up by using an ancient dye-recipes and special tools with one or more sharp points embedded in native rubber on the one end. To image it on the body, it hammered against the tool with a wooden stick to pierce the body, resulting on feel pain. After that, rice-flour paste are used to cool the tattooed areas. The picture show the tool that they use to make a pantang.

figure 5 special tools to make pantang

Wednesday 9 March 2016


Assalamualaikum and hello.  I think most of you are waiting for me explain more about Iban’s traditional clothing.  So today I will start with male clothing. As we can see on the Figure 1, long ago the man was wear a loincloth and from that we can know that  the loincloth is a garment of great antiquity of the original men’s clothing in Iban community. They called the loincloth as sirat. They think that sirat  is an immodest garment which used to cover the men genitals. Sirat is made by a strip of material about 10 inches wide and 10 to 12 feet long.  The picture figure 2 show how to wear a sirat.

                                                                         FIGURE 1

                                                                         FIGURE 2