Kain kebat is a skirt that female ibans wearing. it is a cloth patterned by the
ikat(tie) technique.
Kain Kebat is decorated with colourful stripes pattern design and made of cotton as well. the design tat they always use is
pua. Sometime they called it as
kain pua. Kain Kebat is narrow and its length is only about until knee. The textile is wrapped around the worn together with other silver ornaments such as coin belt and bangles.
figure 11 the woman wear the kain kebat
Selampai is a beads that iban woman will use together with other traditional accessories. it will wear at abdoment or woman chest by creativity of the wearer. Selampai had long until 1 metres and need 3 months to complete it. Nowadays, from be a tradition clothing, selampai also will make as a wall decorations that famous with it tribal art that show the features authentics Iban community.
figure12 selampai that they made for wall decorations
figure 13 the woman wear selampai at her chest
figure14 example of selampai
by reading all your post, I got new knowledge about Iban